December 2024
December 2024 you have been insane, I didn't have a day off work from Nov 3rd until 22nd Dec (but I love my job), what a half term we have had. We have coached every weekend of tap exams, held a choreographic competition, held tap examinations and had a party for 90 pupils. We really have pushed ourselves this term. Thank you to my incredible team for their support.
Our Choreography Competition, held on 1st December, saw 25 items arranged by the pupils be performed in front of a judge to receive a bronze, silver or gold medal. We had a high number of gold and silver medals this year which was outstanding. Thank you to Jayne Wilson for supporting us and coming up for the day to be our judge, her words and wisdom hopefully inspired the pupils for next time.
All I can say for our tappers is WOOP WOOP (Vanessa's happy dance commencing). 100% pass rate!! What an achievement for the school but also for every pupil that took part in an exam. So proud! Thank you to Katie for her teaching and support.
We ended the term with a fantastic VJSD party! We had 90 pupils for 2 hours and we had the best time. Thank you to all the parents that helped, I could not do it without you!
Over and out for 2024! I look forward to seeing everyone in 2025!
June 2024
What a weekend! Our pupils did us so so proud!
They have worked so hard over the past two days and pulled off two incredible performances and one dress rehearsal all in ONE DAY! As well as a show tech run the day before. The way the pupils conducted themselves backstage was fantastic. My backstage team said that they have never worked with a politer bunch of students. Their dancing and performances on stage were mesmerising and truly inspiring.
I always find show weekend so bitter sweet, I love that it has the climax and everybody gets to see the hard work that has been put in by the staff, pupils and helpers but at the same time I am always sad for it to be over. To have to go back to technical work, exercises, examinations etc, I love this time of year, where every pupil has the choice to be involved, it isn't always like that with exams or assessments and as a teacher it can be really hard to make those decisions, so show time is great as it is for everyone!
This year the theme was Myths, Legends and Fairytales, sometimes hard to find a song or costume to match a challenging theme but we pulled it off and now I have to find a home for the 600 costumes we bought!! Next year's theme will be easy, a real crowd pleaser. Roll on June 2025!
A final note, thanks to the men and women who still showed up, yes still watching England's World Cup game on your phones 😛 but at least you were in the audience supporting both teams!
December 2023
This December 40+ pupils took part in our first Choreography Performance, held at the Awsworth Village Hall. We had over 25 entries for this event and over 100 audience members in attendance. Margaret Howard, a very good friend and mentor came to adjudicate the event for me. She gave positive feedback and some valuable, constructive comments where needed. I believe the children learnt a lot from the experience and their smiles told me that it was an enjoyable day. I know how difficult it is to source music, choreograph, find an outfit, practise the routine and perform it well. All our pupils did a fantastic Job and I am so proud of them.
Today we said goodbye to 2023 with a huge dance party, over 80 pupils came, glitter tattoos and face painting were a hit and I think the children really enjoyed themselves. Thank you to all parents that helped this event to happen!
We are now closed for Xmas. In the New Year we will start straightway with preparations for our June performance at the Mansfield Palace Theatre.
November 2023
Today 30 children took part in ISTD Tap examinations with the ISTD, this was a first for the School. Last Sunday (25th) 130 School the children went into their exams looking beautiful and with confidence. The examiner really enjoyed her day and said the children danced beautifully. We look forward to seeing their results.
June 2023
Last Sunday (25th) 130 School members performed at Mansfield Palace Theatre for the second time. The Show was titled 'Movie Night' and was a huge success. The children performed with such enthusiasm and energy. They danced beautifully and I was a very proud teacher. My own little one, Freya, was in the Show with her friends. It was a very special moment.
The audience was a sell out and the response was fantastic.
I couldn't do these events without a special team of people, childhood friends, college friends, ex pupils I have taught, parents, my own family, they make these events happen and I am eternally grateful. VJSD will have it's next Show on Sunday 30th June 2024.
March 2023
The School has just completed its first full day of dance examinations in Ballet and are awaiting the results. We have grown so much since my last update and I am so incredibly proud of the School's achievements. We performed at Mansfield Palace Theatre in January 2022 with over 80 children, it was a lovely evening and a huge success. We are now preparing for a second performance taking place in June 2023 with over 120 pupils. I now have a second child, named Daisy, you'll see her at classes. She comes along to classes at the moment, we won't be able to keep her contained for much longer. Freya is now in Baby Ballet and will be appearing in this years Show. Proud Mummy moment!
Result update - All children passed their ISTD Ballet exams, 100% pass rate for VJSD. Congrats everyone!
September 2021
I have now had my School for 4 years, unfortunately one of these years was mostly spent working from home and on Zoom. During these years the school has grown and grown and I am so proud of its achievements and all the children that attend the sessions. Since starting the school back in 2017, I am now married to my wonderful husband and a mum to an 18 month old. My family are a huge support, they allow me to continue to follow my dreams by helping out with Freya. You may see her around from time to time, she's got some good rhythm so dancing will be in her future.
December 2019
And just like that another Showcase, another year, another Christmas over! Where does the time go? It only feels like two minutes ago that mum and I were viewing our new Showcase space and talking costumes and now we are already talking about the next!
I am extremely proud of what the children & VJSD have achieved this year. The children gave flawless performances, with smiles and enjoyment written on all their faces & VJSD has doubled in size since our 2018 Showcase. With December drawing to an end I can say that I am a very happy dance teacher.
Our youngest dancer this year was just 2 years old and what a delight it was to see her up on stage keeping up with her class mates. Our oldest wowed us with her solo tap ability and street dance moves and all our other children 3-10 years made us all proud with their ballet, tap and street routines.
This year I hired costumes from a local dance school, which the children enjoyed trying on and wearing and I thank parents for their understanding when classes ran five minutes late due to the trying on of costumes. Producing a show of any size comes with a list of things to do, costumes, spacing, running orders, music playlists, payments, refreshments and I thank all my family and friends for their help with the planning process and especially their help on the day. I also thank you - the parents - for your continued support and for choosing VJSD.
Next year I hope to increase the School even more and join the two schools together to make a smooth, continuous dance show, so i'll be planning from January (which you may think is mad).
Until then happy New Year & see you in January.
Vanessa x
December 2018
I am the proudest dance teacher in the world this evening as I look back on the events of yesterday, December 15th 2018. On this day VJSD hosted it's first Showcase, showcasing work produced in classes to family and friends at Greasley Church Hall. Besides the rain and the overcrowded car parking, the evening was a success, with parents looking on at their children with eager eyes and proud hearts.
Lessons leading up to a showcase like this are never easy, there's lines and spacing to think about, costumes to try on and routines to remember but the children never moaned or made a fuss and I am super proud of what they have achieved.
I would like to thank my Husband Paul and my family for their support through out it all and for their tea making skills during the event. Running a dance school is hard - rewarding but hard - I could not do what I love the most without the support of family and friends.
VJSD Showcase One was a success and I hope to have more faces and a bigger hall at my next one, until then I look forward to seeing the children and having fun in lessons.
Vanessa x
December 2024 you have been insane, I didn't have a day off work from Nov 3rd until 22nd Dec (but I love my job), what a half term we have had. We have coached every weekend of tap exams, held a choreographic competition, held tap examinations and had a party for 90 pupils. We really have pushed ourselves this term. Thank you to my incredible team for their support.
Our Choreography Competition, held on 1st December, saw 25 items arranged by the pupils be performed in front of a judge to receive a bronze, silver or gold medal. We had a high number of gold and silver medals this year which was outstanding. Thank you to Jayne Wilson for supporting us and coming up for the day to be our judge, her words and wisdom hopefully inspired the pupils for next time.
All I can say for our tappers is WOOP WOOP (Vanessa's happy dance commencing). 100% pass rate!! What an achievement for the school but also for every pupil that took part in an exam. So proud! Thank you to Katie for her teaching and support.
We ended the term with a fantastic VJSD party! We had 90 pupils for 2 hours and we had the best time. Thank you to all the parents that helped, I could not do it without you!
Over and out for 2024! I look forward to seeing everyone in 2025!
June 2024
What a weekend! Our pupils did us so so proud!
They have worked so hard over the past two days and pulled off two incredible performances and one dress rehearsal all in ONE DAY! As well as a show tech run the day before. The way the pupils conducted themselves backstage was fantastic. My backstage team said that they have never worked with a politer bunch of students. Their dancing and performances on stage were mesmerising and truly inspiring.
I always find show weekend so bitter sweet, I love that it has the climax and everybody gets to see the hard work that has been put in by the staff, pupils and helpers but at the same time I am always sad for it to be over. To have to go back to technical work, exercises, examinations etc, I love this time of year, where every pupil has the choice to be involved, it isn't always like that with exams or assessments and as a teacher it can be really hard to make those decisions, so show time is great as it is for everyone!
This year the theme was Myths, Legends and Fairytales, sometimes hard to find a song or costume to match a challenging theme but we pulled it off and now I have to find a home for the 600 costumes we bought!! Next year's theme will be easy, a real crowd pleaser. Roll on June 2025!
A final note, thanks to the men and women who still showed up, yes still watching England's World Cup game on your phones 😛 but at least you were in the audience supporting both teams!
December 2023
This December 40+ pupils took part in our first Choreography Performance, held at the Awsworth Village Hall. We had over 25 entries for this event and over 100 audience members in attendance. Margaret Howard, a very good friend and mentor came to adjudicate the event for me. She gave positive feedback and some valuable, constructive comments where needed. I believe the children learnt a lot from the experience and their smiles told me that it was an enjoyable day. I know how difficult it is to source music, choreograph, find an outfit, practise the routine and perform it well. All our pupils did a fantastic Job and I am so proud of them.
Today we said goodbye to 2023 with a huge dance party, over 80 pupils came, glitter tattoos and face painting were a hit and I think the children really enjoyed themselves. Thank you to all parents that helped this event to happen!
We are now closed for Xmas. In the New Year we will start straightway with preparations for our June performance at the Mansfield Palace Theatre.
November 2023
Today 30 children took part in ISTD Tap examinations with the ISTD, this was a first for the School. Last Sunday (25th) 130 School the children went into their exams looking beautiful and with confidence. The examiner really enjoyed her day and said the children danced beautifully. We look forward to seeing their results.
June 2023
Last Sunday (25th) 130 School members performed at Mansfield Palace Theatre for the second time. The Show was titled 'Movie Night' and was a huge success. The children performed with such enthusiasm and energy. They danced beautifully and I was a very proud teacher. My own little one, Freya, was in the Show with her friends. It was a very special moment.
The audience was a sell out and the response was fantastic.
I couldn't do these events without a special team of people, childhood friends, college friends, ex pupils I have taught, parents, my own family, they make these events happen and I am eternally grateful. VJSD will have it's next Show on Sunday 30th June 2024.
March 2023
The School has just completed its first full day of dance examinations in Ballet and are awaiting the results. We have grown so much since my last update and I am so incredibly proud of the School's achievements. We performed at Mansfield Palace Theatre in January 2022 with over 80 children, it was a lovely evening and a huge success. We are now preparing for a second performance taking place in June 2023 with over 120 pupils. I now have a second child, named Daisy, you'll see her at classes. She comes along to classes at the moment, we won't be able to keep her contained for much longer. Freya is now in Baby Ballet and will be appearing in this years Show. Proud Mummy moment!
Result update - All children passed their ISTD Ballet exams, 100% pass rate for VJSD. Congrats everyone!
September 2021
I have now had my School for 4 years, unfortunately one of these years was mostly spent working from home and on Zoom. During these years the school has grown and grown and I am so proud of its achievements and all the children that attend the sessions. Since starting the school back in 2017, I am now married to my wonderful husband and a mum to an 18 month old. My family are a huge support, they allow me to continue to follow my dreams by helping out with Freya. You may see her around from time to time, she's got some good rhythm so dancing will be in her future.
December 2019
And just like that another Showcase, another year, another Christmas over! Where does the time go? It only feels like two minutes ago that mum and I were viewing our new Showcase space and talking costumes and now we are already talking about the next!
I am extremely proud of what the children & VJSD have achieved this year. The children gave flawless performances, with smiles and enjoyment written on all their faces & VJSD has doubled in size since our 2018 Showcase. With December drawing to an end I can say that I am a very happy dance teacher.
Our youngest dancer this year was just 2 years old and what a delight it was to see her up on stage keeping up with her class mates. Our oldest wowed us with her solo tap ability and street dance moves and all our other children 3-10 years made us all proud with their ballet, tap and street routines.
This year I hired costumes from a local dance school, which the children enjoyed trying on and wearing and I thank parents for their understanding when classes ran five minutes late due to the trying on of costumes. Producing a show of any size comes with a list of things to do, costumes, spacing, running orders, music playlists, payments, refreshments and I thank all my family and friends for their help with the planning process and especially their help on the day. I also thank you - the parents - for your continued support and for choosing VJSD.
Next year I hope to increase the School even more and join the two schools together to make a smooth, continuous dance show, so i'll be planning from January (which you may think is mad).
Until then happy New Year & see you in January.
Vanessa x
December 2018
I am the proudest dance teacher in the world this evening as I look back on the events of yesterday, December 15th 2018. On this day VJSD hosted it's first Showcase, showcasing work produced in classes to family and friends at Greasley Church Hall. Besides the rain and the overcrowded car parking, the evening was a success, with parents looking on at their children with eager eyes and proud hearts.
Lessons leading up to a showcase like this are never easy, there's lines and spacing to think about, costumes to try on and routines to remember but the children never moaned or made a fuss and I am super proud of what they have achieved.
I would like to thank my Husband Paul and my family for their support through out it all and for their tea making skills during the event. Running a dance school is hard - rewarding but hard - I could not do what I love the most without the support of family and friends.
VJSD Showcase One was a success and I hope to have more faces and a bigger hall at my next one, until then I look forward to seeing the children and having fun in lessons.
Vanessa x